I'm just a simple girl that lives on a simple house with a simple living and simple yet happy family. I have eyes, ears, nose, body, feet, hands, and etc. just like the others have. I eat, sleep, walk, and etc. just like the others do. I do not feel that there is something special in me. I'm just like the other people that live in this world. I can't see any special thing in me. I think I'm just an ordinary girl who has dreams to pursue. As I think and think of who I am I noticed many things.
I know I'm just a simple girl but I think I'm special to my family. I'm glad that I have a family just like them. I know that they loved me so much. Sometimes I don't value it. I still fight back at them sometimes because I don't know. I just can't stop myself but I do love them. I'm really thankful to them because after all the wrongs I have done to them, they are still there to unconditionaly love me, and support me. I don't know how to thank them for the thousands of good things they've done for me.
At first, I don't always underestimate myself. I think my classmates really don't like me. I think I don't belong here. They always do tease me. There is no school day that I do not hear teases. I don't get mad or anything because I know they will stop doing such thing but, I am wrong. They keep on doing it. I just smile and as if nothing happens. But do they think I just forget all about it? Thery think it is okay for me to be teased but not. I know I smiled but inside of me there something. You know what is it. I also teased somebody and I know what they felt when they are always teased. For now, I don't take it seriously. What if I have big, round eyes. You have nothing to do with it. We have our own physical characteristics. I am just lucky that God gave me these. Why am I be ashamed of what God gave me instead I'd be so thankful. I'm special beacuse God gave me eyes, not like the others they can't see. Why should I be sad, right? I don't mind now if you keep on teasing me. It wouldn't affect me now.
We can see many chidren on the streets begging for money and food because they don't have any. They don't have anything to eat to live in. I really pity them. I am not living on the street, I eat three times a day and I have a family whose with me through thick and thin. I'm lucky, right? And I know you are. Be thankful of what you have right now because not all have that.
We are all special in the eyes of God. We are created by him. Even if we are just simple and ordinary, we are special in the eyes of our loved ones so don't think that you are not special just like me. I've learned my lesson. Every people in this world are so special.
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